About SLA lounge / Access
SLA Lounge
Center for Learning Support (SLA Support Office) – SLA Lounge
Multimedia Education and Research Complex, 1F
The SLA Lounge is the hub of SLA activities. The SLA Lounge is a free space where you can study, chat, eat and drink.
※When the Center for Learning Support uses the lounge to conduct activities (such as SLA support and other events), the use may be restricted.
Floor Map

ASofa Seating
For studying in large groups. Pens for the whiteboard are available for rent.
BTable seating
The tables can be combined. They can also be connected to form a large group.
CIndividual seating
There are eight seats. If you want to concentrate alone, this is the seat for you.
DSLA library
There is a study section, a culture section, an illustrated book section and a Tohoku University teachers’ section.
ESLA Profile
SLA profiles include information about SLA affiliations, specialties, hometowns, hobbies, and favorite things.
FNotice Corner
Information about study events, advice and problems from SLA.

Center for Learning Support (SLA Support Office), TOHOKU UNIVERSITY
41 Kawauchi, Aoba-ku, Sendai 980-8576 Japan
Multimedia Education and Research Complex, 1F
TEL:022-795-3374 / FAX:022-795-4743
Email:sla-support (at) grp.tohoku.ac.jp
※Replace [at] with @